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Husson men's basketball team adds transfer guard ? Husson University ? Bangor Daily News ? BDN Maine - Bangor Daily News

Husson men's basketball team adds transfer guard ? Husson University ? Bangor Daily News ? BDN Maine  Bangor Daily NewsThe Husson University men's basketball program has added some backcourt depth with the recent commitment of Kelvin KJ Seals to join the program this fall.
Top historians heading to Bangor for city's first history festival - North Wales Chronicle

Top historians heading to Bangor for city's first history festival  North Wales ChronicleA HISTORY festival hailed as the 'first of its kind in Wales' is to be held in Bangor. Top historians including David Starkey, Lucy Worsley and David Olusoga are ...
1 man arrested in Bangor shooting that hurt 2; investigation ongoing - WCSH-WLBZ

1 man arrested in Bangor shooting that hurt 2; investigation ongoing WCSH-WLBZBANGOR, Maine ? A man has been arrested in connection to a shooting last week that police say stemmed from a domestic argument and left the two people ...
Bangor Band to hold concert on Bangor waterfront ? User Submitted ? Bangor Daily News ? BDN Maine - Bangor Daily News

Bangor Band to hold concert on Bangor waterfront ? User Submitted ? Bangor Daily News ? BDN Maine  Bangor Daily NewsBANGOR ? The Bangor Band will perform at the Bangor Waterfront 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 9. Sponsored by Bangor Parks & Rec. Free admission. Bring chairs or ...
Junior League all-star baseball playoff roundup ? Little League ? Bangor Daily News ? BDN Maine - Bangor Daily News

Junior League all-star baseball playoff roundup ? Little League ? Bangor Daily News ? BDN Maine  Bangor Daily NewsBangor has won its first two games in the District 3 Junior League baseball all-star baseball tournament.. Maine news, sports, politics, election results, and ...
Thousands of dollars of damage done to downtown Bangor church during break in - WABI

Thousands of dollars of damage done to downtown Bangor church during break in  WABIBANGOR, Maine (WABI) - Police are investigating a break in at a church in Bangor. Someone made their way into Columbia Street Baptist church late Monday ...
2 hurt in Bangor shooting on Union Street; investigation active - WCSH-WLBZ

2 hurt in Bangor shooting on Union Street; investigation active WCSH-WLBZBANGOR, Maine ? A Bangor shooting in broad daylight along Union Street in which two people were hurt is being actively investigated, and no arrests have ...
Man admits stealing police officer's stun gun in Bangor - North Wales Live

Man admits stealing police officer's stun gun in Bangor  North Wales LiveBarry John Roberts, 37, will be sentenced next month by a judge in Caernarfon Crown Court.
Clock being fixed at historic downtown Bangor building - WABI

Clock being fixed at historic downtown Bangor building  WABIBANGOR, Maine (WABI) - Work is being done to a piece of history in downtown Bangor. The clock outside Bangor Savings Bank on State Street is being ...
Bangor lose top spot despite hard-fought win at Brymbo - North Wales Chronicle

Bangor lose top spot despite hard-fought win at Brymbo  North Wales ChronicleBANGOR fell to second spot in the North Wales Cricket League Premier Division standings despite securing a three-wicket triumph at Brymbo.